Our story starts in 2006 with a group of six college students. We had a college ministry that was meaningful but not missional. We decided that we could keep doing what we had always done and continue to see the same results or we could try something new- we opted for the something-new approach. We named her LiveWire: Connected and started trying new things, in new ways to reach college students and young adults who had fallen through the cracks, been disillusioned by traditional church, or had just never come to understand what a true relationship with the Lord Jesus was all about. Once we dumped the religious baggage, we found that the Lord had already been moving and stirring in the hearts of countless people. We began to make connections and form new friendships- in fact, all we did was create an environment where people could come and connect with each other, with area churches and ultimately with the Lord. The energy, excitement and passion of our students for the Lord motivates our larger church family to do things that we would never do in our right mind.
In 2008, the same stirring that had compelled us to start LiveWire had now made it impossible to simply sit in a pew any longer. In February we ventured out into the unknown. Both our lead teacher and our worship leader gave up their ministry positions (and sanity). Other staff members quickly came on board with a crazy notion that God was up to something great. Our core group started giving way beyond their means, with everyone stepping out in faith. With no support money and little common sense we simply sought a new way (actually the original way) to experience what being the Church really meant.
The Remedy began with just a handful of the college students and a few families, meeting in homes and various locations. We launched our first Sunday Gathering at the Vanderburgh 4-H Center and then later ended up a local hotel, finally moving into a large warehouse on Evansville's north side. In January 2010, we felt led to once again step out in faith, stop paying rent, and find a permanent home. We had kept an eye on a vacant building in Darmstadt and then began to move on this building. What had hoped to be merely a matter of weeks, soon turned into months. At this point, we moved in with our friends at The Sojourn for a few months, hung out at Wesselman's park for several Sundays and eventually ended up at the McCutchanville Fire Station/gym. What had started out as the most difficult year in the life of the Remedy, soon ended with a Remedy community that was more unified, focused, passionate, and authentic. With this deepening transformation, we began to see even greater miracles take place. We had been given a building in a nearby town which we were able to sell and this provided our entire down payment for our new building.
After working most of the 2010 year trying to get the Darmstadt property, we were finally able to end the year with an accepted offer. As we started 2011, we were able to finally close on the Darmstadt building on Jan. 31. It is crazy that it had taken exactly one year (to the day), since we moved out to where we are now. It is a great reminder that we are called to trust in the Lord's timing, not our own. Where our story goes from here, we can only imagine. Our hope is that some of you will be stirred to join with us as we experience this faith journey together.